Wednesday, July 30, 2008


So hopefully I'm remembering this all right and please correct me if I've made any mistakes. I should remember it all though, as I had a long,long time to follow the action in all the other games. But if I had to pick a park at which to get brutalized ridiculously early, the one across the street from the Columbine Steakhouse would probably be the best. That there's some good eatin'.

OK, on to the best of the best, to the best of my knowledge. Josh won his 2nd week in a row and leaps up into a 2nd place tie with John, who won his game last night, and Kevin who got a PWK. Tashina also PWK'd some poor bastard who probably had it coming. Also winning games were Ricky and Jake (both for the 2nd week in a row) and Eric, who was kind enough to demonstrate the many uses of the Electro-Weasel Flesh Ripper pictured below (Zappa for president, dead or alive). Josh called Rocky Mountain Lake Park, but there didn't seem to be any consencus as to where in the park it'll be. Someone mentioned new landscaping with hills and such, so maybe there, wherever that may be. Here's where the top 5'll be when it gets there. Here's some Zappa. See y'all next Tuesday, unless you wanna come to our show on Thursday, in which case I'll see you then, but let me know first so I can give you tix. Fuckin' Fuck Yeah! Game On!

7 weeks to go.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Game 13

I think this is the earliest I've ever had the poster and the results ready. Neat. Anyhow, Josh was the big winner for the night, and in addition to all the cool schwag, also gets to go see the sneak preview of Step Brothers and gets a poster autographed by John C. Reilly. Also winning their games were Kevin and Carly, who are both moving up the board fast, and Ricky and Jake, who really should be moving more. Kevin Frisbie got a wicket kill in his first, and probably only, game of the season. Perhaps Doug gave it to him as a thank you for the cool shirts. Next week is at Barnum, and I'll see y'all there.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Game 11

Once again, this is ridiculously late for a winners recap, but just in time for the next game. The big winner last week was AJ, who called Zuni Park and won sneak preview tickets to Step Brothers. Other game winners for the day were Josh, Nate, Carly and Boyd. There were also wicket kills by Steph and Doug. Here's where to read the top 5. This weeks winner gets tickets to Pineapple Express. See y'all tomorrow.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Game 10 and Tournament

So I'm a bit late in getting this out, but it's been a long week of drinking and setting shit on fire. The important first thing is that there's a tournament on Sunday at Carly and Kevin's place. 1:00ish, and I don't remember the address. The next game is at Sunken Gardens, per Doug's call as he was the big winner on Tuesday. Also winning games were Kevin, Shane and Boyd, with wicket kills by Tashina and Deme. Hope y'all had a happy 4th and I'll see you tomorrow.