Friday, August 8, 2008

Re: Game 15

Uh, that's "City Park" Dave.  I know everyone wants to play there real bad, but c'mon. 

On Fri, Aug 8, 2008 at 9:37 AM, dave simpkins <> wrote:
So it was a BCH kinda night on Tuesday. Plus Deme. John was the big winner, and his almost all of his current and former housemates were game winners, Josh (who also got a wicket kill), Eric, and Boyd. Where you at Sonia? Like I said before, Deme also got in the mix with a game win, holding off the BCH assault on his lead, and Ricky picked up another point with a wicket kill. Next week is Wash Park (but closer to the playground than the tennis courts), and hopefully the early start of classes don't fuck people up too bad. Here's something from another croquet discussion that's been going on. Here's the top 5 for "da week". Here's something we should try. See y'all Tuesday.

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