Friday, September 19, 2008

2008 Season

Good season everyone, I had a great time and it's always sad to see it end. But if any of you get the jones for some hot northside on northside action, we can always have a tournament, or trivia (wednesdays at Patrick Carols), or a bowling league perhaps. There's lots of shit to do, and one extra day in the week with which to do it now. But anyhow, here's how the last game went down for those of you that left early (left early from the last game?).

John was the winner of the season, keeping the trophy for another year. Josh caught up with him at 11 points apiece and we had to settle the thing with a winner take all abbreviated match. Good thing John was able to get out of his class early or we might not have been able to settle this thing for another week. In the last game, Red came out the overall winner, beating Kevin, Tim, Josh and Phillips. Mike got a wicket kill, and then got wicket killed himself by Temuchin for his first and last point of the season. AJ and Phil were the chicken fighting champions, but how would they have fared if the 3x defending champions had been there? I guess we won't know for another year. That was how the last game went down, and this is where everyone ended up. We'll have a tournament and a rules party soon here.

John - 11 points+ playoff win (12 points?)
Josh - 11 points
Deme - 10 points
Tim - 9 points
Dave - 8 points
Eric - 8 points
Kevin - 8 points
Boyd - 7 points
A.J. - 7 points
Red - 7 points
Doug - 6 points
Carly - 6 points
Poops - 6 points
Mike 4 points
Phillips - 4 points
Dak - 3 points
Viv - 3 points
Shane - 3 points
Ricky - 3 points
Jess - 2 points
Nate - 2 points
Steph - 2 points
Tashina - 2 points
Savannah-2 points
Melanie - 2 points
Gen - 1 point
Poops - 1 point
Sonia - 1 point
Julie - 1 point
Margaret - 1 point
Marco - 1 point
Mary - 1 point
Kevin F - 1 point
Amber - 1 point
Naomi - 1 point
Temuchin - 1 point
Everyone else NPP

Monday, September 15, 2008

Fwd: Group picture

I was asked to forward this along to everybody. See you tomorrow

Team photo before bocce.
Two reasons.  Many people who are definitely part of the team (myself included) leave early now that the season is during school.
Second reason:  Last year, the group photo was at night and we don't have good enough flashes.  I would really like a great, light photos.
Can you send out an email to let everyone know?  And, can you get John and Sonia there, even if just for a photo?

Friday, September 12, 2008

Game 20 - Season Finale!

So it's that time again, the final game of the 2008 season, which will, as always, be at Wolff Park. Will John get to keep the trophy for a second year? At least a half dozen people are within striking distance, and he won't be there to defend his position.The big winner was AJ for the second week in a row. Eric also got two with his wicket kill and a win, and the other game winners were Mike, Naomi (her first point), and Tim. So yeah, bring your chicken fighting pants and plan on staying late. See you Tuesday if I don't see you at Mike and Margaret's housewarming party on Saturday. Speaking of Mike, this weeks poster comes from him, and even though he did all the work and sent it to me last week, it still took me until Friday to post it. Game on!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Game 19

Sorry about another late email here. Only two games to go in the 2008 season. The big winner last week was AJ, who has called Jefferson Park for the second to last game. Also winning games were Tim, Jake, Nick and Red, who also got a wicket kill. John still leads the pack, but he's not going to be able to play the last few games. See y'all tomorrow.