Friday, September 12, 2008

Game 20 - Season Finale!

So it's that time again, the final game of the 2008 season, which will, as always, be at Wolff Park. Will John get to keep the trophy for a second year? At least a half dozen people are within striking distance, and he won't be there to defend his position.The big winner was AJ for the second week in a row. Eric also got two with his wicket kill and a win, and the other game winners were Mike, Naomi (her first point), and Tim. So yeah, bring your chicken fighting pants and plan on staying late. See you Tuesday if I don't see you at Mike and Margaret's housewarming party on Saturday. Speaking of Mike, this weeks poster comes from him, and even though he did all the work and sent it to me last week, it still took me until Friday to post it. Game on!

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